Dark to Light
I'm scared. Running on the rough path. It's dark.
Hope I don't stumble.
I gotta get outta here. Out of this musty, damp darkness.
Pretty sure I'm being followed.
Chased by demons. (You must know the feeling?)
It's a half mile to the village and I don't want to look
I'll meet up with some friends there and sit
by a bright fire that keeps the wild creatures at bay.
The sky spins above me and I try to pick up my speed.
Sweat drips from my hair and forehead, down my nose
and earlobes.
Out of nowhere
a rabbit darts in front and gives me a fright.
What's he doing up so late? Some dark thing must have
scared him.
My heart races and the sharp stones poke through my souls.
I'm running fast but won't be able to keep this up.
Bare branches dash over my head. No moon tonight.
I spot the warm glow a little distance ahead.
Slow down, I tell myself. Take it a little easy.
I just need to get my body there.
Too late. I stumble. I glide across the sand and gravel.
Layers of skin
are scraped off my face, chest, palms and knees.
Bones show through.
White light flashes.
Dark figures are catching up to my sprawled body.
Planet spins and my awareness is flung out into the heavens.
I feel like I should just let go. Too late. The dark shadows
surely caught me by now. Can't feel a thing.
warm hands pulling me up.
Flung over a tender shoulder. What happened?
Limp body bounced by springy steps.
I go unconscious. Suddenly feel a rush of warm air.
Out of the stale cold damp, into warmth. Inside where there
is a smell of sweet herbs and smoky fire.
My eyes slowly open. The gentle being puts me down in a chair.
I'm home again.